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Category: S

Supplemental Request

A proposal submitted by a PI to the sponsor of a funded project, requesting additional or supplemental funds to be applied to that funded project. Supplemental requests are considered formal proposals, and require SPA sign-off and approval.


An additional allocation of project funding provided by a sponsor to a grant recipient in response to a formal request. Supplements are awarded for a specific purpose that is related to the parent award.

Subrecipient / Subcontract Monitoring

The activity by which an institution’s specific policies and procedures for ensuring sound financial practices are applied to sponsored funds it awards or flows downed to a third party recipient in the form of a subcontract.


The entity receiving a portion (termed a subcontract or subagreement) of a UGA or UGARF award. Federal sponsors place stringent monitoring and oversight regulations on UGA or UGARF whenever an awarded project requires a subcontract or subagreement in order to complete the approved scope of work.

Subcontract / Subagreement

A legally binding agreement creating and defining the obligations between UGA or UGARF as the prime award recipient and a third party (subrecipient), frequently another university.

A subcontract/subagreement should not be included in a proposal unless you have the appropriate support documents from the third party; otherwise, you are committing another entity’s personnel and resources in the project without approval from that entity’s Authorized Organization Representative (AOR). The subrecipient should provide the following documents to UGA well in advance of proposal review and submission by the SPA:

  • Specific scope of work
  • Detailed budget by category, including cost sharing
  • Budget justification
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Letter of institutional approval
  • Other documents as required

Subaccount / Internal Account

Secondary university accounts set up to appropriately allocate budgets and expenditures among multiple investigators on the same project.

Stipend or Salary?

A stipend is a scholarship or fellowship allowance granted to a student that is provided as a fixed and regular payment. Stipends are paid to individuals who are being trained or educated, and these support funds are not considered salary, as no personnel services are required from the recipient, only participation.


A scholarship or fellowship allowance granted to a person (typically a student) that is provided as a fixed and regular payment. Stipends are paid to individuals who are being trained or educated. Recipients are not considered to be employees, and these support funds are not considered salary, as no personnel services are required from the recipient.